Systems Engineering Documentation
Hall Associates has developed a complete set of Systems Engineering documents that are necessary to implement, maintain and continuously improve a full auditable Systems Engineering capability. Using these documents and the associated metrics provides verifiable evidence that your company or organization has a complete systems engineering capability and uses it to reduce costs and schedules. This documentation set covers all 14 individual SE processes as well as culture change and includes full training presentations and how to determine what training is necessary for your employee skill sets.
Hall Associates has developed a complete set of Systems Engineering documents that are necessary to implement, maintain and continuously improve a full auditable Systems Engineering capability. Using these documents and the associated metrics provides verifiable evidence that your company or organization has a complete systems engineering capability and uses it to reduce costs and schedules. This documentation set covers all 14 individual SE processes as well as culture change and includes full training presentations and how to determine what training is necessary for your employee skill sets.

System Integration/Systems Engineering - the process of bringing together the component subsystems into one system and ensuring that the subsystems function together as a system. Hall Associates provides you and your staff with consulting and coaching services in the development and implementation of systems engineering, continuous optimization of systems engineering and other development processes, the sustainable safeguarding of quality, and the fulfillment of industry-specific standards and legal/regulatory requirements. Through partner-like consultations and targeted transfer of know-how, our consultants promote the autonomy of your teams enabling you to effectively and efficiently implement and use all aspects of systems engineering.

Cybersecurity works to provide determination for necessary security applied to IT/PIT systems and the data stored and transmitted over them. Hall Associates provides you and your staff with services for risk management, cybersecurity, contingency/disaster planning and various types of Awareness and Specific Process Training. Our services include working with Cybersecurity based on the NIST Risk Management Framework, DODI 8510, ISO 27001, the National Vulnerability Database Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS), and DFARS 252.

Requirements define what is to be done, how well and under what constraints - get the requirements wrong and the design and hardware will be wrong. Requirements drive Cost - Design - Schedules - Skills required - Verification plans - Operational procedures - everything. Hall Associates provides you with the knowledge of how to write requirements and what to request from customers.

Configuration Management represents a technical-administrative discipline which ensures that all parties to the acquisition of a product have a common understanding about how the product looks, what the product is supposed to do, how the product can be operated and how the product is to be maintained.

A trade study is the activity of a multidisciplinary team to identify the most balanced technical solutions among a set of proposed viable solutions. These viable solutions are judged by their satisfaction of a series of measures or cost functions. Hall Associates can provide methodologies to accomplish trade studies in any domain.

Risk is a measure of the potential inability to achieve overall program objectives within defined cost, schedule and technical constraints. Hall Associates works with all risk management standards and processes, including ISO 31000: 2009, ISO/IEC 31010, ISO/IEC Guide 73: 2009, BS 31100, DOD Risk Management Guide, COBIT 5 and others.

A Continuous improvement process is an ongoing effort to improve products, services, or processes. These efforts can seek "incremental" improvement over time or "breakthrough" improvement all at once. Delivery (customer valued) processes are constantly evaluated and improved in the light of their efficiency, effectiveness and flexibility.