What really is social engineering? We define it as the act of influencing a person to accomplish goals that may or may not be in the “target’s” best interest. This may include obtaining information, gaining access, or getting the target to take certain action. It may also include positive forms of communication such as with parents, therapists, children, spouse and others. Our site is designed to grow as we grow. We will discuss new and innovative ways to tie social engineering into your skill set. We will continually develop our framework. We hope it will become a standard in SE. We encourage you to become a part of this community, give us feed back, submit ideas and your thoughts.


Capabilities20130528 16997 15b2p3p 0 is the federal government’s website to help you be safe, secure and responsible online. The Federal Trade Commission manages, in partnership with the federal agencies listed below. is a partner in the Stop Think Connect campaign, led by the Department of Homeland Security, and part of the National Initiative for Cybersecurity Education, led by the National Institute of Standards and Technology.